READY COCKTAIL OLD FASHIONED 100ML is one of the world’s most popular classic cocktails. Dark and delicious, after one sip you’ll soon understand why it’s just as popular now as it was over 200 years ago. Combining Bulleit Bourbon Whiskey with a dash of aromatic and orange bitters and sugar, our pre-mixed Old Fashioned is perfectly balanced and makes for a new NIO classic. Expertly mixed in Milan, Italy.
The origins of this cocktail go so far back that it’s tough to trust anyone who says they created it. The original drink was named the ‘Whiskey Cocktail’, as it reflected the characteristics of the classic cocktail formula laid down in 1806; spirit, sugar, water and bitters. The proliferation of new liqueurs available to bartenders from the 1870s resulted in a treadmill of new ‘improved’ Whiskey Cocktails… but which also led to a revolt amongst those who yearned for the original drink. Hence the Old Fashioned Whiskey Cocktail.